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Who is actually evaluating the performance of our public officials? How do you even do that professionally?


You, by working with us at ARGoodGov.org. Good governance is a community need, requiring a community effort. Join the effort. Our initial focus is the City Of Harrison.

America is at a cross-road in 2024. We will not survive as a nation unless the citizenry rise up in the spirit of the biblically-centered principles upon which our great nation was founded and built. A basic law of governance is that we get the governance we ask for, as defined by your actions. Each generation must water the tree of liberty, or it dies. This law applies from the smallest town, through the biggest state, to the federal government.

“We The People” work within Arkansas helping our elected bring to bear the good governance that protects our towns, cities, counties and state. Our objective is “Good Governance”, with a vision of “Education, not Litigation”. Thus ARGoodGov.org is born.

There are two prongs to our approach. One prong is to provide feedback and mentoring to elected positions and deliberative bodies. The second prong is to provide instruction for citizenry to understand the principles espoused in the bible that are intended to create a civil and prosperous society.

In all that we do, we strive to be professional. This starts with establishing a common language for defining professionalism.

Professionalism – the performance of tasks or services to known standards accepted by all stakeholders, consistently.

Our group strives to be professional, and we expect professionalism from our elected, and the deliberative and legislative bodies they may compromise.